Jessie Bri is a teacher, mindfulness facilitator, Reiki practitioner and empowerment leader.

My story

Hi, I’m Jessie.

I am a teacher, mindfulness facilitator, Reiki practitioner and soon-to-be certified life coach.

While I have always known that I was a teacher, I didn’t always grasp the lack of wellness supports in the industry and beyond. Our society has become so focused on going, doing, then doing some more, that our human selves end up getting left behind. We strive, push through, ignore and resist. We develop anxiety, become depressed, and soon stress overtakes us. It becomes chronic.

I know because I was there.

Deeply in burnout, I found there was zero culture of wellness in my profession or around me. I had reached my edge (and then some) and was experiencing a prominent decline in my health. I felt stuck, uncertain and ridden with guilt. I was forced to stop everything. But you shouldn’t have to.

After years of healing, certifications and learning by experience, I came to understand how important lifestyle wellness is. I’ve developed an approach that allows you to receive, feel nurtured, develop self-care, and come back home to you.

I support women to reconnect to themselves through workshops, courses and 1-1 sessions.

Whether you’re starting to feel the disconnect build or you’ve been out at sea for a while, I am here to help you journey back home. Through nurturing and heart-led guidance, empowering you to thrive in this life.

Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here.

  • Life Coach in Training (completion Fall 2024)

  • Level 1 & 2 Reiki Practitioner

  • Certified BC Teacher

  • Year-Long Mindfulness for Educators

  • BEd in Elementary Education & French Immersion

  • BA Honours in Second Language Teaching and Anthropology


  • Years of testing and trying various personal wellness supports and experiencing dis-ease through the absence of what I now teach

  • 10+ years as a teacher, mentor and guide

  • 5+ years of in-depth personal development study

  • Participant in several non-residential meditation retreats with teachers such as Pascale Auclair and Christina Feldman

  • MBSR and MSC training


Core Values


Learning and limitless evolvement is a key component in the unfolding process and meaningful transformation.


Offering a new perspective that invokes deep meaning and encouragement to live true to self.


Creating a welcoming and safe space where clients can learn, discover, slow down, be, and feel deeply honoured and supported.


When we lead from the heart, there’s space for all of ourselves and our experiences and this promotes kindness and compassion.


Practical, tangible and down-to-earth growth that makes support accessible and relatable.

Ready to Ground & Connect?

Let’s Get started

If you're curious about accessing support on your path, I'm here for you.

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